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Bond Touch - Re-Package Design

Bond Touch is a technology bracelet new to the market. It targets couples in long-distance relationships. My re-package design focuses on capturing the sense of touch that the bracelet provides to its users. The package keeps the existing brand logo and colors.


My campaign slogan, “What Distance?” is the concept of overcoming the separation between two people, which can include both lovers and friendships. My campaign advertisements focus on social media and other popular communication platforms.

Initial Sketches


Mockup and Initial Designs


Final Design


Product Campaign and Reflections

My Bond Touch campaign, “What Distance?” aims to cover target audiences that were not previously targeted by Bond Touch’s original campaigns. After doing research I felt that Bond Touch’s main target audience in terms of relationships was long-distance lovers.

However, I felt that their campaign excluded some other important groups that could use the Bond Touch bracelet product. These groups are best friends, as well as family. The reason I didn’t focus on families is that the bracelets are only for two people which is not ideal for large families. Many families may want a different product that could be used for all family members. I chose to have my campaign focus on girls and women who are best friends having to deal with long distances when going through life changes. Most girls have at least one friend they have connected with for several years or are willing to stay connected with after events such as high school and college. It is for this reason why many of my ads feature women between the ages of 16 and 20 years.

“What Distance?” is a short clever and upbeat phrase. It empowers its audience to overcome the idea of separation because of long distances. It shows that their bond has endless possibilities.

Instagram Ads


Spotify Ads


Product Campaign and Reflections

An important part of the new “What Distance?” campaign is to have advertisements where the target audience travels. A long distance couple, friends, or family members, departing from one another would be more inclined to look into and buy the product when experiencing the sad emotions of the moment. These advertisements would also be seen by frequent business travelers, a potential new target audience. Poster advertisements would be seen in subway stations, bus stops, train stations, and airports.


Magazine Layouts


Sweatshirt Promotional Contest

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