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Yale School of Art - Website Re-Design


Yale is a private Ivy League research university. It was founded in the United states in 1716 in New Haven, Connecticut. It art school was founded in 1869. It is considered one of the top art schools in the country. For undergraduates the main degree is a Bachelors in Arts. Classes range from graphic design, sculpture, photography, to painting, etc. The current art school has its own website separate from the overall Yale University website.



There is wide range of audience for the website. Current faculty, staff, and undergraduates use the website. Alumni as well as potential future students also use the website for information. Other audiences include staff for the college admissions as well as the gallery.



The purpose of the website has a wide range. Current art events and gallery events are posted on the website. The website also includes information on: admissions, alumni, courses, financial aid, current students and faculty, programs, visitation, and contact. Within each navigation tab there is more navigation so its hard to figure out just how much information the current website covers completely. The overall purpose is to provide all information needed for the target audiences about the art programs at Yale University.

Current Website's Main Page


My Re-Design of Webiste's Main Page



The current website is structured as a “wiki” community page. This means anyone with a log in for the art school is able to change the layout and information on particular pages.



- There is no brand identity of Yale School of art or Yale University.
- The design layout, especially dealing with navigation, is confusing for first time site visitors.
- GIFs used as backgrounds of pages are distracting from important content.



- Incorporates a sense of a close-knit community.
- Any of the students, faculty, or staff can edit certain pages of the website.
- Community editing can potentially make it easier for the website to update latest events
as soon

   as possible for everyone to see.



My goals when re-designing the Yale School of Art’s website was to maintain the sense of community freedom while establishing a sense of clean organization. My website re-design reflects Yale University branding. The graphic design reflects a visual arts school, promotes the college to potential new students, and highlights all the school has to offer. Certain visuals of the website pages can still be edited by students or facility without compromising readability or navigation. The new Interactive Community Page allows Yale School of Art's close knit community to share its love of art and news articles together. New visitors as well as current users will have an easier time finding important academic and enrollment information.

Optional Splash Page


Art Programs Page


Current Student Portfolio Page


Graphic Design Program Page


Interactive Community Pages


Example of Community Article Post


Sources used for this Project:


Yale University (Branding, Content)

Yale School of Art (Content, Images)
Yale School of Art Instagram (Images

Google (Stock Images)

Wikipedia (Basic Information, Research)

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